21+ Quotes on Allah knows best

Some Quotes on “Allah knows best” are as follows:

Allah says in Quran, “If they do argue with you, then say: ‘Allah knows best what you do.’” – [Quran, 22:68]

“Perhaps you hate a thing that is best for you, and you love a thing that is bad for you. Allah knows, while you know not.” – [Quran, 2:216]

“Surely you cannot guide whom you love, but Allah guides whom He wills, and He knows best the followers of the right guided.” – [Quran 28:56]

“Never think you can choose better for yourself than Allah can. It is He who created you; it is He who knows what is best for you.” – Dr. Bilal Philips

“Delay is not denial, Allah knows what’s best for us and when it’s best for us to have it. Supplicate to Allah with full trust.” – Dr. Bilal Philips

“Never lose your hope but have patience. Allah knows what the best is for you and when it’s best for you to have it. So have sabr and wait for right time. Allah will give you at right time.”

“Allah is all hearing and all knowing and he knows everything whatever is in our hearts. May Allah bless us with the things which are good for us but not just whatever our hearts just desire. Indeed Allah knows best what is good for us.”

“Allah knows everything whatever is in your mind and whatever your intention is so you cannot cheat Allah. Obey Allah and put your trust in Allah. Allah knows best.”

“Whatever happens in your life don’t despair, it is the decree of Allah and He (Allah) is the best of planners, He knows what is best for you. Allah never disappoints believers.”

“Everything happens to us is under Allah’s wills. Allah plans our fate and He knows what the best is for us. So put trust in Allah and accept his decree.”

“Allah knows what’s best for us and when it’s best for us to have it.” – Dr. Bilal Philips

“Obey Allah and leave everything to Allah. He knows what the best is for you and when is the best time to give you.”

“Sometimes life doesn’t always go as we you have planned but whatever it is, life must move on! Have faith in Allah and accept his plans because He knows what is the best you.”

“None except Allah knows best what will happen. So obey Allah and trust Allah. Allah never disappoints believers.”

“Allah knows what is best for us! So obey Allah and put trust in him and his plans. There are no sad ending for the ones who trust Allah.”

“Allah is all knowing and all hearing. He knows best what the best for you.So he will give you the best but at right time.”

“Allah knows best about our needs and always answers our prayers and gives us what is best for us so put trust in Allah and have patience.”

“Allah knows best what are your needs and what are you feeling and he knows your intention and he knows what is in your heart. If you knew how Allah takes care of your affairs then you would have never been disobeying him and never been worrying. Allah is with those who obey him and put their trust in him.”

“O believers, Put trust in Allah, He (Allah) is the only one who knows what best for you and wants the best for you. He will never disappoint you so please have patience and accept plans of Allah.”

“Allah is the best of planners and he knows the best.”

“Indeed, Allah knows what is best for us and does everything in the best way for believers. May Allah be with us and provide us what is best for us.”

“Never judge anyone by his/her looks. He/She may be better in the sight of Allah. Allah knows best so trust in Allah.”

“When a believer loses something then Allah replaces it with something better. Really Allah knows what is best for us so put trust in Allah and accept plans of Allah.”

“Something great always coming in late. Just have patience and Put trust in Allah. Allah knows the best for us. When we will really need it, Allah will give us.”

“If Allah removes a person from life of a believer then he/she should not run after him/her again. Allah may have removed a person from your life for your own good. Allah knows what’s best for us all.”

“Whatever Allah wants me to have I will have … Allah knows what is the best for me.”

“No matter in what condition and where are you. Allah is watching you every movement and he knows best about your intentions so fear Allah and obey Allah.”

“Never be disappointed whenever a door is closed for you, Allah knows what best what is better for you, maybe that door was best to be closed so have patience and wait for better door to be opened. Allah is with those who have patience.”

“No matter what happens in you life, start your day with ‘Bismillah’ and end it with ‘Alhamdulillah’ Allah is the best of planners and he knows what is the best for us. So accept decree of Allah.”

“Put trust in Allah. Allah knows best what is good for you and when. So don’t lose hope but trust in plans of Allah… Indeed Allah is the best of planners and he is all seeing and all knowing.”

“Allhamdullilah for everything whatever Allah has planed fro me. Indeed, the best of planners and he knows best what is good for me.”

“When you are making Dua, ask Allah for the best because you may not know what’s best for you. Indeed Allah knows what is best for us so put your trust in Allah.”

“Everything happens for a reason. And Allah knows the best. So put trust in Allah and obey Allah.”

“If you feel confused when you are going to take a decision, then you need not stress yourself but ask Allah to guide you to the right decision and at right path. Surely Allah is the best of planners and knows what is the best for you.”

“Follow guidance of Allah regardless of world. Allah is the best of planners and he knows the best.”

“Don’t forget to thank Allah by saying ‘Alhamdulillah’ for everything you have; even if it is not how you wanted it, Allah knows what is best for you in the long run.”

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