“Here is good collection of emotional status messages, You can download emotional status images and share on social media sites like whatsapp, Facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest etc.
“Sometimes emotional Moments melt our hearts and sometimes make us cry.”
“Never do any argument with a person who is emotional.”
“The most emotional moment is when you meet after long time with a person who is loyal to you and whom you love so much.”
“Learn how to tolerate pain not just physical but emotional as well.”
“Never blackmail people by using emotional weapon.”
“Sometime, to remove your emotional pain you are needed to forget what happened and start with a new chapter.”
“I often get emotional to see the inhuman acts by humans.”
“I just feel like, I am emotional too.”
“I never thought I would be emotional tonight.”
“I make an emotional appeal that don’t harm innocent people but help them.”
“Today I am feeling extremely emotional.”
“I just want go over there and help the people who have been sufferings, as their sufferings make me so emotional and I cry all over again and again.”
“Sometimes people are so emotional to see a situation that they even know where to start the things.”
“When I am feeling emotional then I take no serious decision.”