11+ Hurt Status quotes For Whatsapp

Here is a collection of hurt status images, You can download and share on social media sites.

“Words don’t have teeth but when they bite then it hurts and gives pain a lot.”

“Don’t hurt to those who are close to you, tell them truth but not lie.”

do not hurt status

“No one is the same, if I am hurt by someone then this don’t mean that I should punish to next person.”

“When a betrayal is done by family or friends then it hurts most.”

emotional hurt status for whatsapp

“Words usually don’t have power to hurt anyone, they only hurt when are used by someone I love most.”

download hurt status images

“I never waste my time to take revenge from anyone; I think those who hurt me for nothing will meet their fate and

hurt status message

“May be you are not reason of you got hurt but it is your responsibility to heal.”

afraid status on hurt

“I am not afraid to try again, I am farad of that I could be hurt once again for the same reason.”

hurt status updates

“Getting accused for the acts that you did not do really hurts more than a breakup.”

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