20+ Quotes of Linda Sarsour

Linda Sarsour Biography: Linda Sarsour, is a one of the most prominent Muslim-American activists in New York, America. She was born and raised in America.  Linda Sarsour is an American National but by ethnicity she is a Palestinian-American. She was born in 1980. She is a political, racial justice and civil rights activist and former executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. She is Known for Co-chair of the 2017 Women’s March.

Education: She completed her education from Kingsborough Community College New York.

Linda sarsour lives in Brooklyn, New York, U.S with her family. Her family includes her husband and her children.She and her husband Maher Judeh aka Maher Abo Tamer have three children together, a son, Tamir, two daughters, Sabreen, and Sajida.

She is also a writer. Linda Sarsour is very active on social sites like twitter, Facebook. She expresses her views on social sites like twitter, facebook  by making tweets and posts. Here Some quotes by Linda Sarsour are as follows:

linda sarsour quotes on humanity

“We can disagree & still love each other, unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression & denial of my humanity and right to exist.” – Linda Sarsour

linda sarsour quotes on life

“If I had one wish, it would be for every single human being to value the sanctity of all life.”  – Linda Sarsour

“Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.” – Linda Sarsour

“My work is CRYSTAL CLEAR as an activist rooted in Kingian non-violence.” – Linda Sarsour

“People conveniently forgot that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a non-violent leader & activist and called “most dangerous leader.” – Linda Sarsour

“Right wing tries to demonize my leadership. Editing videos is their favorite pasttime.” – Linda Sarsour

“Judge me by my actual words and actions, not how racist, misinformed, ill-intended bigots interpret them.” – Linda Sarsour

“I have no problem with folks vehemently disagreeing with me on anything but I do have a problem with threats & lies. That’s unacceptable.” – Linda Sarsour

“I speak for myself, in my own words. The real reasons why the right wing are attacking me.” – Linda Sarsour

“Islamophobes are attacking me because I’m their worst nightmare.”- Linda Sarsour

“We cannot allow the voices of hate and divisiveness to be louder than the voices of solidarity and love.” – Linda Sarsour

“We cannot be bystanders to injustice. If engaging in dissent was easy, everyone would be doing it” – Linda Sarsour

“I will not be silenced. I will not be intimidated. I will continue to speak truth to power.”  – Linda Sarsour

“They may hate me now but one day their great grandchildren will remember me as a freedom fighter. I know this because history told me so.” – Linda Sarsour

“I’m Muslim, I’m Palestinian-American in ethnicity, I’m a woman in a hijab, I’m everything they(Islamophobia and racist people) stand against.” – Linda Sarsour

“We must understand that unity, solidarity, building strong, resilient communities and vowing to stand up against hate and vilification of a whole faith based on the actions of a few is the way we will prevail against evil terrorists.” – Linda Sarsour

“I standup for All oppressed and minority communities this is what my faith teaches us to do.” – Linda Sarsour

“If you are in a movement and you are not following a woman of color, you are in the wrong movement.” – Linda Sarsour

“Another stain on our humanity. The forgotten Rohingya Muslims.” – Linda Sarsour

“We all need to love more. We need to intentionally put out more love. The world needs it. We need it.” – Linda Sarsour

“Always stand for what you believe in because someone in a future generation is counting on you.” – Linda Sarsour

“When we have stronger voting rights, we have more representation, we have more people in office who look like us, we have more progressive pieces of legislation.” – Linda Sarsour

“We have never been outnumbered, we have only been out organized.” – Linda Sarsour

“You’ll know when you’re living under Sharia Law if suddenly all your loans & credit cards become interest free. Sound nice, doesn’t it?” – Linda Sarsour

“Sharia Law is misunderstood.” – Linda Sarsour

“I will not be silenced. I will not be intimidated. I will continue to speak truth to power.”

“If you are still paying interest than Sharia Law hasn’t taken over.” – Linda Sarsour

“Stay focused and pray for the protection of those on the front lines of the movements for justice. We are under threat.” – Linda Sarsour

Read: Asmaa Hussein Quotes

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