21+ Quotes by Muhammad al-Arifi

Shaykh Muhammad al-Arifi also known as Mohamad bin AbdelRahman al-Arefe born 15 July 1970 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is author and Muslim preacher.

“Instead of cursing the darkness, try to fix the lamp.” – Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi

“Seek the love of your Creator, and He will place in the hearts of the creation the love for you” -Shaykh Muhammad al-Arifi

“Perhaps just a smile at a poor man would raise you in rank in the sight of Allaah.” – Muhammad al-Arifi

“The one frightened to climb mountains, forever lives in the ditches” – Muhammad Al Arifi

“Making fun of an obese person will not make you any skinnier. Making fun of someone who is not beautiful will not make you any prettier. Making fun of a failure in any matter will not make you successful. So, leave off the creation and seek the Creator. Work on improving yourself… instead of commenting on others.” -Sheikh Muhammad al-‘Arifi

“The one frightened of climbing mountains forever lives in the ditches” Shaykh Muhammad Al-‘Arifi

“Instead of cursing the darkness, try to fix the lamp.” – Dr. Muhammad Abdulrahman ‘Al-Arifi

“A woman can be patient with her husband’s poverty, unattractiveness and busy schedule, but she cannot be patient with his rude behaviour.” – Dr. Muhammad Abdulrahman ‘Al-Arifi

“No man honours a woman except an honourable one, and no one demeans a woman except a mean person.” – Dr. Muhammad Abdulrahman ‘Al-Arifi

“Success is not to discover what others like, it is to acquire and practise the skills that help one gain their love.” -Muhammad Adb Al-Rahman Al-Arifi

“For each door of sadness that opens, there are a thousand means of shutting it” – Muhammad Adb Al-Rahman Al-Arifi

“We cannot reach the pinnacle except by taking advantage of the abilities we have and acquiring those that we do not.” – Dr. Muhammad Abdulrahman ‘Al-Arifi

“The one frightened of climbing mountains forever lives in the ditches”- Dr. Muhammad Abdulrahman ‘Al-Arifi

“Do not earn wealth and lose people, for earning people is a way to earning wealth.”- Dr. Muhammad Abdulrahman ‘Al-Arifi

“We cannot reach the pinnacle except by taking advantage of the abilities we have and acquiring those that we do not.” – Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi

“For each door of sadness that opens, there are a thousand means of shutting it…” – Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi

“Success is not to discover what others like, it is to acquire and practise the skills that help one gain their love.” – Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi

“When you climb a mountain, look to the top and not to the rocks that surround you. Make sure of where you step as you climb, and do not leap, in case you loose your footing.”

“Your skills of dealing with others determine how they deal with you.” – Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi

“The hero is the one who goes beyond his ability to improve his skills, until he becomes able to improve, and perhaps even alter, the skills of others.” – Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi

“Do not earn wealth and lose people, for earning people is a way of earning wealth.” – Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi

“The one frightened of climbing mountains, forever lives in the ditches.” – Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arifi

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