Some one line status are as follows:
“Take every hardship as an opportunity to improve yourself.”
“It is very hard to convince person who knows nothing but He thinks he knows everything.”
“Sometimes people learn from you and later teach you.”
“Always keep sending your love and support to anyone who is feeling broken.”
“Try to know the value of the things not just princes.”
“Keep your intention always clean at the time of helping to someone.”
“Keep your heart clean and Never be afraid to speak up the truth.”
“Never do any kind of abhorrent acts that upsets the people.”
“Don’t curse the darkness but make efforts to bring light to remove the darkness.”
“All the big things are initiated with small things.”
“If you want to remember anything then write it first.”
“Always Keep continue to speak the truth, no matter what.”
“Strive to be a person who gives more importance to peace, justice, truthfulness and humanity than money, show off and publicity.”
“Don’t let anger of emotion destroy your life.”
“Choose your words with wisdom and carefully.”
“Be a decent person and avoid rude language.”
“I am on a positive mission to make better me.”
“Truth always wins, We need to speak the truth louder and clear.”
“Daughters (girls) are blessings in the life of mankind. Save daughter (girls) and educate daughters (girls).”
“We mankind are supposed to treat every women with respect and dignity.”
“It is of everyone to save daughters and educate daughters.”
“Strive to develop a positive attitude and stay away from negativity..”
“Our life is easy when you are busy in doing good deeds and helping others.”
“Don’t slander nor do smear campaign against anyone.”
“Spread the love and peace; and share the happiness.”
“Be kind and help the people who really need your help.”
“I don’t like the hypocrite people who are like two faced people.”
“Neither live with a wrong person nor do a wrong expectation”