If you are looking for shayari images to share on your social media status then you are at right place, Here we have uploaded some good quality of shayari …
We have made good collection of Anmol Vachan messages in images form with their translation from Hindi to English. Feel free to download Anmol Vachan images and share on social …
“If you get an opportunity to make happy to someone then don’t abandon it, Know that your life is best for you.” “Do what makes you happy but it …
“Speak less but listen more.” “My attitude will always remain positive no matter how you treat me.” “If I am quiet then this doesn’t mean I am blind. situations …
Dr. Apj Abdul Kalam was an Indian scientist and 11th President of India. He was born on 15 October 1931, Rameswaram,Tamil Nadu, India and passed away on 27 July 2015, …
Some status on truth are as follows: “Don’t fear of to get hated at the time of when you are going to speak the truth, Always speak the truth and …
“A person gets respect there where relationship is built on the basis love but not on the basis of trading.” “Know that the door of respect is so narrow …
Some loyalty status are as follows: “Distance never becomes a barrier when two hearts are loyal and truthful to each other.” “Be a loyal person towards your family and friends; …
Some help status are as follows: “Help another and keep doing good deeds, no matter what.” “Sometimes you don’t need money nor be rich to help someone.” “Help poor and …
“Parents should not teach their children hate but they should teach them love and peace.” “We feel great when we make our parents proud of us.” “Love, care and …