Some motivational quotes on teamwork are as follows: “Be so good that that regret removing you from their team.” “Help and support another to gain success.” “Without helping and …
Some business quotes are as follows: “Do a business the way that your customers give your more customers.” “Before starting any business learn about it in depth.” “To be …
Some entrepreneur quotes are as follows: “Don’t just dream to be an entrepreneur, start working to be an entrepreneur.” “If you want to become a successful entrepreneur then be …
Some entrepreneurship quotes are as follows: “If you are willing to be a successful entrepreneur then focus on doing the things with dedication rather than merely dreaming.” “Entrepreneurship needs …
Some leadership quotes are as follows: “True leaders are not selfish nor do things for show off, but they strive to bring positive changes in the life of others.” …
Some marketing quotes are as follows: “It is better to sell the problem you solve than the products.” “Never stop advertising and marketing to save the money.” “If you …
If you are looking for Inspirational Status about Life to share on your status of Whatsapp profile then you are at right place. Here is a good collection of inspiration status …
Mufti Ismail Menk Born on 27 June 1975 is Islamic scholar from Zimbabwe. He has gotten Islamic education from Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia. He is very active …
If you are looking for some motivational status to share on social media like Whatsapp, twitter, Facebook then you are at right place. Here we have made collection of some …
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radhi Allahu Anhu) popularly know as Abu Bakr(RA) was the father-in-law and one of the best companions of Islamic Prophet Muhammad (Peace, Mercy and Blessing …