If you are looking for some awesome status quotes to share with your family or friends on social media then here is a great collection for you. Download our …
Some status quotes on children are as follows: “Don’t ruin life of your children by teaching them evil but try to make their life bright by teaching them love, …
Some forgiveness status quotes are as follows: “Never let any kind of grudge grow inside you as it is dangerous for peace inside you; forgive and forget no matter what.” …
some status on jealousy are as follows: “I always strive to remove my jealousy.” “Never be jealousy because being the jealousy is type type of disease which destroys our inner …
Some busy status are as follows: “They are busy as well, I am busy as well. They are busy doing their homework but I have been busy missing them.” “Every …
Some Status Quotes in English are as follows, You can download for free and share on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. “Some times we realize …
Some missing status quotes are as follows: “I am going to miss all my friends who have witnessed all my good and moments.” “I have been missing your good …
Some best status are as follows: “Don’t think bad about the people nor judge them by their appearances.” “Don’t just pretend of being the best but strive to do your …
Some happiness status quotes are as follows: “Behave the people in the way that your behaviour gives happiness to them.” “Happiness cannot be bought, earned, owned, transferred or consumed.” “Never …
Some dream status are as follows: “Follow your dream and passion but never deny the truth.” “Go to the direction with confidence of your dreams but directions should be …