Download Thoughts in Hindi translated in English

Motivational thoughts motivate the people to do better or fills courage inside the people and ends the hopelessness. Here I have uploaded some motivational thoughts in Hindi with their translation in English. If you are not a Hindi speaker but English then also this page could be useful for you because meaning in English of every thoughts are mentioned bellow the images. All Hindi thoughts mentioned here are in image form and their translated meaning is mentioned in text form. If you like thoughts mentioned here then do share on social media sites like twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, pintrest etc.

Some thoughts in Hindi are as follows:

hindi thoughts with their meanings

“Try not to become such a person, that people will tell you that you are a person who eat in a plate, later even make a hole in it, rather try to be a human being that people should appreciate your deeds …!”

hindi thoughts on honesty

“It may be not possible to look innocent in the eyes of everyone but try your best too look without faults in your own eyes.”

thoughts in hindi on respect

“You can get respect from the ones who have respect; you will never get respect from those who have no respect.”

download hindi thoughts on peace

“Often, Desire of everyone is that relationship should be improved but no one wants to start but expects from other side.”

hindi thoughts on success
motivational thoughts for life in hindi

“Really own people are not those who stand with you in selfie but own people are those who stand with you at the time of problems/pains.”

ALSO READ: Poetry in Hindi with translation in English

download motivational thoughts in hindi

“Some times you win while sometimes you just learn.”

ALSO READ: Quotes in Hindi with Translation in English

download hindi thoughts on speaking

“Drink water after filtering and talk after thinking.”

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