11+ Status quotes on Truth for Whatsapp

Some status on truth are as follows:

“Don’t fear of to get hated at the time of when you are going to speak the truth, Always speak the truth and try to nail the truth no matter what.”

“If you want truth then be humble towards it and strive to be honest.”

“Generate guts and courage to speak the truth and raise the voice of oppressed people.”

stand for truth staus quotes

“Always stand firmly for the truth even if it makes you alone.”

“Never let the voice of the people of the truth be silenced by the aggression of falsehood.”

speak the truth status

“Evil always hates the truth.”

truthful status

“Always love and respect the people who speak the truth no matter what.”

“Whenever you speak, speak truth, bold, with wisdom and straight forward words.”

truth status for whatsapp

“Majority people hate the truth, Speak truth and support the truth, even if it goes against you.”

truth status quotes by Larry Winget

“People may hate the truth, Always support the truth no mater what.”

hurt me with truth status

“I try my best to keep my heart clean because a clean speaks the truth.”

“Keep yourself always ready to face the truth.”

“If you know the truth then don’t hide it nor conceal it but reveal it and let the truth become public.”

“Thousands of lies fail to hide even one truth.”

“Keep your heart pure and be strong enough to support the truth and face the truth.”

“Generate courage and guts to speak the truth at the face of oppressors.”

“The people, who speak the truth and support the truth, give a hope to oppressed people.”

“Learn how to make your expression with truthiness.”

“Truth may hurt you for a moment but lie will hurt you for a long time.”

“I want that you hurt me with the truth but don’t give a temporary comfort with a lie.”

“To speak the truth you need to have courage and clean heart.”

“Don’t speak when your heart is full of lie, speak the truth or remain silent.”

“Don’t take any interest in the fault of others, remain positive and guide people to the path of truth instead of laughing at them.”

“You are supposed to generate courage to speak the truth and listen the truth.”

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