21+ Quoptes by Wahb ibn Munabbih

Wahb ibn munabbih born on 655 AD and passed away on 738 AD, Sana’a, Yemen. He was a Yemenite  Muslim preacher from Yemen. Some quotes by him are as follows:

“He who obeys God is obeyed even if he is a slave; and he who is content is rich even if he is hungry” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“He who is greedy is in fact poor even if he owns the whole world” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“The doctors have agreed that the head of medicine is diet.”- Wahb ibn Munabbih, [al-Samt, Ibn Abī Dunyā 619]

“If you see a person praising you undeservingly, know that you’re not safe from him bashing you undeservingly!” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“If you hear a man praising you with what is not in you, then do not feel safe.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“The Believer intermingles to learn, adopts silence to protect (himself), speaks to teach & adopts isolation for success.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“Whoever claims to be intelligent but his attention is not geared towards the Afterlife, then he is a liar.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“The one who opposes his desires, Shaytan fears even his shadow.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih, Hilyat al-Awliya

“If someone praises you with what you are not, they are in essence criticizing you of a deficiency in you.” – Wahb Ibn Munabbih

“If someone praises you with what you are not, they are in essence criticizing you of a deficiency in you.” – Wahb Ibn Munabbih

“If someone praises you with what you are not, they are in essence criticizing you of a deficiency in you.” – Wahb Ibn Munabbih

“The Believer intermingles to learn, adopts silence to protect (himself), speaks to teach and adopts isolation for success.” – Wahb Ibn Munabbih, [Siyar A`laam al-Nubalaa’]

“The example of one who makes du‘a without doing any deeds is like the one who tries to shoot arrows without a bow.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“If 3 qualities are found in a person, he will attain goodness: Generosity, patience and kind words.” –  Wahb Ibn Munabbih

“The sages are in consensus that silence is the head of wisdom.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih, (as-Samt by Ibn Abi’l-Dunyaa, 619)

“The Believer intermingles to learn,adopts silence to protect (himself), speaks to teach and adopts isolation for success.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“Be on guard from three things. Beware of a sinful desire that is indulged, a companion who suggests evil and a person impressed by himself.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih, [Hilyat al-Awliya 4863]

“Whoever Claims To Be Smart, But Does Not Concentrate On The Hereafter, Is Lying.” – Wahb Ibn Munabbih

“Reliance upon Allah represents the utmost degree of Faith.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“Nothing begins except as something small, then it grows (becoming large), except the calamity, for it begins as something large then becomes small.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih, [Hilyat al-Awliyā (4/63)]

“The man of bad character is like a piece of broken pottery, which can neither be patched up nor returned to clay.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“Memorise (Learn) three affairs from me: Beware of followed desire, An evil companion, One being full of himself (being self amzed).” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“Righteous deeds cause the Du’aa to become sent forth.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih, [Ibn al-Mubaarak Az-Zuhd no322]

“The caller without action is like an archer without a bowstring.- Wahb ibn Munabbih (Fath Al Bari) // Dawah

“Honor yourself by rejecting the characteristics of the fools instead subject yourself to the characteristics of scholars.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“You should beautify your obedience to Allaah with knowledge, forbearance and understanding.” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“He who obeys God is obeyed even if he is a slave; and he who is content is rich even if he is hungry” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

“He who is greedy is in fact poor even if he owns the whole world” – Wahb ibn Munabbih

Aqeel ibn Ma’qil said: I heard my paternal uncle, Wahb ibn Munabbih, say: Three signs of a hypocrite: when his alone he is lazy, he is energetic when in the company others and he chases after praise in all of his affairs. Three signs of an envious person: he backbites the one whom he is jealous of, if he were to meet him, he flatters him, and he is delighted at his misfortunes. (Al-Hilyah: 4/47)

“The Wise ones have agreed that the peak of Wisdom is Silence.” ~ Wahb Ibn Munabbih (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

“If someone praises you with what you are not, they are in essence criticizing you of a deficiency in you.” – Wahb Ibn Munabbih

“If someone praises you with what you are not, they are in essence criticizing you of a deficiency in you.” – Wahb Ibn Munabbih

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