31+ Whatsapp Status Quotes

Whatsapp is one of the best apps to send sms messages to friends and family without spending any penny. To use
services of WhatsApp to send and receive messages for free, you just need a mobile active with internet. Now you
find WhatsApp in Play Store and download Whatsapp from there and activate it on your mobile phone. These days
WhatsApp is very popular and millions of people are using services of WhatsApp by installing this app on their
mobile phone. By using Whatsapp you can send video, text sms, document, images to your friends and family but they
also should be whatsapp user, by using services of WhatsApp,, even you can do free calling. To read more about
Whatsapp, visit this link https://blog.whatsapp.com/10000630/WhatsApp-Status By using Whatsapp you can set the
status of your profile by using text message and images. Here are some quotes you can use to set whatsapp of your

“We need to become a nice person instead of pretending to be nice.”

whatsapp status quotes on smile
“There is a secret behind my pretty smile, It is hard for you to know it.”
being a good person status quotes for whatsapp
“Never let bad people change your positive attitude and behavior and make you a bad person, stay positive and a good person always no matter what.”
sorry status for whatsapp
loyalty status for whatsapp

“Don’t put a person in so much fear that his fear ends.”

“Don’t always laugh without any reason just like a crazy person.”

beauty status for whatsapp

“Be among those who use their mind/brain to take serious decision but not just tongue.”

“Never lose hope, Try again and again with positive thoughts and path to achieve the goal no matter how many times you fall. Learn from your failure and move on.”

“To resolve the problems and misunderstandings, all sides are supposed to sit down and talk but reject the interference of third party that provokes to destroy the peace.”

“Every business faces some kinds of challenges whether it is new or old. But if you do any business with dedication, discipline, training, honesty and with a well-planned strategies then then your business deserves to get success.”

business status

“Be polite and kind to everyone and Don’t take extra advantage of anyone.”

“If you are finding a nice person then first become a nice person.”

“Be popular for doing good deeds but not misdeeds.”

“Don’t point your fingers on anyone without knowing the truth.”

“Some people don’t like me but they still check my WhatsApp status of mine on daily basis.”

“I am grateful and appreciate those who are still curious to see WhatsApp status and views of mine while they don’t like me.”

“Don’t be awkward at the time when you are speaking, Speak good or remain silent, Silence is a kind of wisdom.”

“Don’t be among those who do to shows off. Do good deeds to serve the humanity but not shows off.”

“Be kind and gentle even to wrong people, Your good behavior could guide them to positive path.”

“If you want to see things happening good around you then starts doing things good in positive ways.”

“Be kind in real not just for show off. If you pretend to be nice person just to achieve your own goal then your sixths show off kindness is just hypocrisy.”

“Before going at bed to sleep, forgive everyone who wronged you and sleep with peace of mind.”

“I try my best to keep updated my whatsapp status with positive quotes and thoughts.”

“If you want success then you need to set goal and get started.”

“I have to open WhatsApp again and again to check if someone has sent me any message.”

“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that is negative and full of evil.”

“Success is not in the starting phase. Be not just good starter, but be a good finisher as well.”

“No matter how talented person or laborious you are, you cannot get success in overnight, It takes time so have patience to enjoy the success.”

“Clean your heart and control your tongue because, No one will care of your beautiful face if your tongue is ugly.”

“When it comes to save humanity then don’t see the religion or border or race, go and save humanity there by helping the people.”

“It takes a great courage to speak up against those who do injustice to the innocent people.”

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