Sheikh Yassir Fazaga is a motivational speaker. He has delivered much incredible speeches to motivate the people.
“Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing wrong Right is right even if no one doing it.” – Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“The word ”love” in the Qur’an appears on over 90 places but interestingly it does’nt define the word love but speaks about the very first consequence of love…”committing.” Islam talks about commitment . If you truly love , then commit, if you do not commit then your claim of love is not real. – Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“When people are denied there legitimate rights, they start asking for the illegitimate things” – sheikh yassir fazaga
“We buy things we don’t need, with the money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like.” – Sheikh Yassir Fazaga.
“the very first consequence of love…”committing.” Islam talks about commitment; if you truly love, then commit.” -Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“If what you believe does not impact on how you behave, then what you believe in is not important.’- Sheikh Yassir Fazaga.
“If you truly love then commit, if you do not commit then your claim of love is not real.”- Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“Silence is a wisdom, but only few practice it” Sheikh yassir Fazaga
“Resentment is like drinking poison but expecting the other person to die.” -Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“Kindness is more important than being right.” – Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“Don’t lose your sense of ‘self’ to create a false sense of harmony.” – sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“You don’t undo evil by evil rather you undo it by goodness.” – Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“Religion does not intrinsically protect us from depression but it gives us tools to cope.” – Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
“Our Thoughts are a place where people need to be invited into” – Sheikh Yassir Fazaga